Will the DDJ-SX get DVS support?

Sobriquet 1:05 AM - 5 September, 2013
It seems that at the moment only the Sixty-Four and the DJM-900SRT will work, with future support coming for the current Rane lineup.

So where does that leave the SX?
Mizurah 2:12 AM - 5 September, 2013
hopefully! the exclusivity with Rane seems to have worn off....
DJ dVO 2:22 AM - 5 September, 2013
Why do you need DVS support on a midi-controller? Am I missing something...?
Down 2:23 AM - 5 September, 2013
I'd love to have a real turntable to scratch on next to my DDJ!
Sobriquet 2:24 AM - 5 September, 2013
Why do you need DVS support on a midi-controller? Am I missing something...?

You can already plug turntables and CDJs into the DDJ. Might as well allow software control.
Down 2:29 AM - 5 September, 2013
DJ dVO 2:30 AM - 5 September, 2013
Why do you need DVS support on a midi-controller? Am I missing something...?

You can already plug turntables and CDJs into the DDJ. Might as well allow software control.

And that is exactly my point. Why duplicate efforts? :) That's just means more CPU usage...
jruins99 4:27 AM - 5 September, 2013
a turntable is cool for scratching i would like to use it that way
Sobriquet 8:14 PM - 5 September, 2013
And that is exactly my point. Why duplicate efforts? :) That's just means more CPU usage...

I don't get your point. It's a mixer as well as a MIDI controller. Why should I have to use separate software and a separate box in order to hook everything up? People have been asking for that capability since the SX was released. Isn't that enough? I will not buy a DDJ-SX until it has that capability.
XRM5 10:33 PM - 5 September, 2013
The tables should do channels 3 & 4, and the jogs channels 1 & 2.
gullum 11:21 PM - 5 September, 2013
The DDJ SX would need a firmware update for it to be possible. It only has 2 stereo out and 1 stereo in sound card. I'm not sure the sound card is capable of more ins and out.
Hopefully it's a limit set by Pioneer and not a limit of the sound card. When the DDJ SX was released last year it only needed master and headphones out to work with SeratoDJ.
dj-freestyle 2:39 AM - 6 September, 2013
Hope we get a answer to this soon. would love to have a table next to my ddj to scratch
funkthepunk 10:02 AM - 6 September, 2013
I would like to plug my technics and use dvs via my ddj-sx... Hope serato/rane is not about moneys... and let ddj-sx users to use it
SSL Experimentalist 10:49 AM - 6 September, 2013
And that is exactly my point. Why duplicate efforts? :) That's just means more CPU usage...

I don't get your point. It's a mixer as well as a MIDI controller. Why should I have to use separate software and a separate box in order to hook everything up? People have been asking for that capability since the SX was released. Isn't that enough? I will not buy a DDJ-SX until it has that capability.

Here's a thorough answer. If you are only mixing song to song, then yeah adding DVS and a turntable would be silly. But if you like to scratch and juggle, assuming you do it well, the DDJ-SX jog wheel just doesn't cut it. Serato DJ already as 4 decks, and having the option to have DVS to plug turntables in for a real vinyl feel and control.

This would be a cheaper alternative to purchasing the 900SRT since the SX is only $900.

For working DJ's, the advantage would be, you can take just your controller to smaller gigs, or gigs that can't take turntables, or mobiles where it doesn't make sense to be on turntables. For gigs where you are required to perform a little more, adding the turntables is nothing more than an add on. Instead of changing your setup all together, you can simply add your turntables.

Shoot, if they could, I hope you can get HID support to add CDJ (HID capable). This would be an ergonomically more familiar setup, than changing your controller, for a totally separate mixer to use with the turntables. I definitely see the advantage. There's no redundancy here.

Plus it would be a waste of 4 line/phono inputs if it wasn't planned that the SX was meant to take on DVS. The biggest advantage of the Kontrol S4 controller, is the fact that it is a full mixer AND DVS so you get best of both worlds as it's displayed in this video.

Davideon 10:57 AM - 6 September, 2013
The DDJ SX would need a firmware update for it to be possible. It only has 2 stereo out and 1 stereo in sound card. I'm not sure the sound card is capable of more ins and out.
Hopefully it's a limit set by Pioneer and not a limit of the sound card. When the DDJ SX was released last year it only needed master and headphones out to work with SeratoDJ.

That's a problem if the sx soundcard can't take what's required for dvs. Not that pio care. They've made a packet on the sx and cam use its limitations to push the New gear
dj-freestyle 3:29 PM - 6 September, 2013
Will be cool to have my ddj and my 62 hooked up in my studio running one program. that will be nice for sure.
flocked 5:56 PM - 6 September, 2013
They are combining the software into one, but not the hardware…

I would love to use the DDJ SX for DVS. Sometimes I want to have the real vinyl feeling…

That's why I still have my S4, even if it isn't as good as the ddj.

If you are going to add it, I will instantly buy the ddj ;)
Dj Nyce 5:37 AM - 7 September, 2013
for the guys wanting this how will the physical layout work with this? turntables on the sides of the sx?

even if its technically possible, the layout would be horrible.
deejdave 7:34 AM - 7 September, 2013
The input routing woud have to be changed. The inputs lead RCA level audio signal from the inputs straight through the mixer. Aside from the filters can you use the serato FX on any external audio sources? NO. Why is that? because the external audio sources do not feed into the software in any way they are through only. There is no answer to wait for it is simply not possible. I have a copy of the service manual for the DDJ-SX and if anyone else knows how to read block diagrams here t confirms that no firmware update could possibly help unless it can rewire your DDJ-SX. I can tell that not many here will be able to read it so let me help you understand this. Remember with your Sl1 you could hook up a CDJ or TT and have it work with the thru outputs if hooked up to power adapter? Remember you can't use it to manipulate the virtual decks while using the thru feature? Well that thru feature is the same thing in the DDJ-SX. TT's can't be used to manipulate anything while being used as thru which is exaclty what the inputs are Thru and Thru ONLY.
deejdave 7:39 AM - 7 September, 2013
Let me finish off by adding in the common sense factor. Would Serato sign off on anything to be built that would affect their sales directly. As in how could they justify selling a SL4 for $900 when $100 more would get you a full controller along with the same sound card.

Furthermore each and EVERY controller with inputs could be used as sound cards? This is the logic?

Try to think of the inputs on the SX (and every other controller for that matter) as AUX inputs because essentially that is exactly what they are. They just happened to label them differently.
Davideon 7:46 AM - 7 September, 2013
Makes perfect sense deejdave. The most sense re dvs and the sx that I've read to date
gullum 1:48 PM - 7 September, 2013
That is what I was thinking but hoping I was wrong
Davideon 2:12 PM - 7 September, 2013
well I asked Serato this exact question on Twitter and they said the sx could support dvs. Still clear as mud
dj-freestyle 3:52 PM - 9 September, 2013
I oculd hook up my sl3 box to the ddj and use dvs correct? that would work i would think.
Mutis Mayfield 6:08 PM - 9 September, 2013
Do it by yourself...


No timecode/noisemap involved, just irónica Solder...
Davideon 7:28 AM - 17 September, 2013
The input routing woud have to be changed. The inputs lead RCA level audio signal from the inputs straight through the mixer. Aside from the filters can you use the serato FX on any external audio sources? NO. Why is that? because the external audio sources do not feed into the software in any way they are through only. There is no answer to wait for it is simply not possible. I have a copy of the service manual for the DDJ-SX and if anyone else knows how to read block diagrams here t confirms that no firmware update could possibly help unless it can rewire your DDJ-SX. I can tell that not many here will be able to read it so let me help you understand this. Remember with your Sl1 you could hook up a CDJ or TT and have it work with the thru outputs if hooked up to power adapter? Remember you can't use it to manipulate the virtual decks while using the thru feature? Well that thru feature is the same thing in the DDJ-SX. TT's can't be used to manipulate anything while being used as thru which is exaclty what the inputs are Thru and Thru ONLY.

So dvs aside, sdj won't be able to record a set done with a ddjsx and external sources?
ellohenn 6:33 PM - 2 October, 2013
Interesting discussion. Possible or not for those DJ's that use serato professionally in both ITCH and SL setups it would be nice to run both programs types of setups off the same mixer. Regardless it is possible right now is not the true point in my opinion. I now have a TTM57 that is basically a paperweight, as it will not get support for Serato DJ. I get it, industry standards change and that is great and it keeps us needing to work to make the craft of DJ-ing exciting for ourselves and our crowds. In an ideal world I would be able to retool my setup and only purchase one new mixer, that also doubles as a controller if i want to play a controller set.

Just saying I get where the desire originates in this thread.
deejdave 6:41 PM - 2 October, 2013
The input routing woud have to be changed. The inputs lead RCA level audio signal from the inputs straight through the mixer. Aside from the filters can you use the serato FX on any external audio sources? NO. Why is that? because the external audio sources do not feed into the software in any way they are through only. There is no answer to wait for it is simply not possible. I have a copy of the service manual for the DDJ-SX and if anyone else knows how to read block diagrams here t confirms that no firmware update could possibly help unless it can rewire your DDJ-SX. I can tell that not many here will be able to read it so let me help you understand this. Remember with your Sl1 you could hook up a CDJ or TT and have it work with the thru outputs if hooked up to power adapter? Remember you can't use it to manipulate the virtual decks while using the thru feature? Well that thru feature is the same thing in the DDJ-SX. TT's can't be used to manipulate anything while being used as thru which is exaclty what the inputs are Thru and Thru ONLY.

So dvs aside, sdj won't be able to record a set done with a ddjsx and external sources?

THIS is a tough one. According to the block diagram schematics It seems as if this WOULD be possible. If connected to the proper input. I am not saying it will as I have no idea the capabilities of the chipset within but according to the routing it does seem like something that could happen. This again would be on Pioneer to add/confirm the capability and Serato to ultimately integrate it into SDJ.

@ ellohenn. I think the desire is something that is real and noted. The only problem is the desire as in many cases (especially here on the forums) conflicts with reality. We all have our wishes (desires) but its when they become expectations there is a need to reevaluate our angles.
Dokumentary 5:19 AM - 3 October, 2013
Just get the Numark NS7 II when it comes out. Both Serato and Numark say it'll work with DVS on SDJ 1.5.

Serato DJ for Vinyl, CDJ and DJ Controllers is the future of professional DJ software.
Serato DJ 1.5 includes DVS support for the new Rane Sixty-Four and Pioneer DJM-900SRT mixers, as well as the Numark NS7 II, Pioneer DDJ‑SR and Pioneer DDJ‑SP1."

"New Software Features For Vinyl & CDJs
Serato NoiseMap™ Digital Vinyl System Added"
deejdave 5:40 AM - 3 October, 2013
It says pretty clearly DVS support for the 64, DJM-900SRT mixers as well as support (as in serato DJ not DVS) for NS7II, DDJ-SR & DDJ-SP1

Where does it say DVS for NS7II?

Numark says VERY CLEARLY Added Serato DJ Hardware Support


and nowhere does it say DVS support for NS7 II................... This is how it starts!!

Where did you see anything about NS7II having DVS support. Quote the sentence please.
Dokumentary 5:49 AM - 3 October, 2013
It says pretty clearly DVS support for the 64, DJM-900SRT mixers as well as support (as in serato DJ not DVS) for NS7II, DDJ-SR & DDJ-SP1

Where does it say DVS for NS7II?

Numark says VERY CLEARLY Added Serato DJ Hardware Support


and nowhere does it say DVS support for NS7 II................... This is how it starts!!

Where did you see anything about NS7II having DVS support. Quote the sentence please.

I quoted both websites and also posted the respective links. I'm just gonna go ahead and quote my entire reply for ya...

Please try to actually read it this time. Maybe even click the provided links. Why not?

Just get the Numark NS7 II when it comes out. Both Serato and Numark say it'll work with DVS on SDJ 1.5.

Serato DJ for Vinyl, CDJ and DJ Controllers is the future of professional DJ software.
Serato DJ 1.5 includes DVS support for the new Rane Sixty-Four and Pioneer DJM-900SRT mixers, as well as the Numark NS7 II, Pioneer DDJ‑SR and Pioneer DDJ‑SP1."

"New Software Features For Vinyl & CDJs
Serato NoiseMap™ Digital Vinyl System Added"
deejdave 6:05 AM - 3 October, 2013
Yeah the English language includes little symbols that when placed in certain areas of a sentence change the entire meaning of said sentence for example "Serato DJ 1.5 includes DVS support for the new Rane Sixty-Four and Pioneer DJM-900SRT mixers, as well as the Numark NS7 II, Pioneer DDJ‑SR and Pioneer DDJ‑SP1."

Means Serato DJ includes DVS support for the new Rane Sixty-Four and Pioneer DJM-900SRT mixers

as well as support (as in works with SDJ not DVS) for the Numark NS7 II, Pioneer DDJ‑SR and Pioneer DDJ‑SP1.

Do you for some reason think that now the DDJ-SP1 & the DDJ-SR will have DVS support as well?

Second one - "New Software Features For Vinyl & CDJs
Serato NoiseMap™ Digital Vinyl System Added"

This sentence doesn't even include the NS7II at all being it is neither vinyl or a CDJ.

What lead you to believe it does. Is there any source that actually says it or did you really get that from the sentences you quoted.
deejdave 6:07 AM - 3 October, 2013
Here is the link to the actual product. www.numark.com Just show me one word saying DVS or implying it does support it and please don't include what you already wrote. If you don't understand that by now I'm afraid you never will. I promise you though it is simple and basic elementary reading comprehension.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Eru G 6:29 AM - 3 October, 2013
Hey all,

Just to clarify, there aren't currently any plans to add DVS support to the NS7 II.
Dokumentary 6:32 AM - 3 October, 2013
Maybe you're confused as to what DVS stands for. It's an acronym for "Digital Vinyl System".

As in: "Serato NoiseMap™ Digital Vinyl System Added"
1. is a quote from Numark and
2. is the very first feature listed by Numark on this page which I will link for you once more.

I don't know how to make this more clear for you. All I can say is click the link and you will see DVS listed as a feature.

Now... You could argue that the Serato page is worded strange or that Numark may have copy/pasted features of SDJ 1.5 (software) and listed them as hardware features of the NS7 II improperly, but you cannot tell me that I haven't provided you with the quotes and links that prove that both Serato and Numark say the NS7 II will work with DVS.

Until someone clarifies this, it's not outta control to assume that this WILL BE the 1st controller to support DVS (turntables) with SDJ.
Dokumentary 6:32 AM - 3 October, 2013
Hey all,

Just to clarify, there aren't currently any plans to add DVS support to the NS7 II.

Boom! Clarified! Thanks Eru G. Now fix the wording please.
deejdave 6:40 AM - 3 October, 2013
2. is the very first feature listed by Numark on this page which I will link for you once more.

It's tempting to say what I want to but it CLEARLY says it ONLY applies to Vinyl & CDJ's which the NS7II is neither. There Will be NO DVS support for the NS7II.
deejdave 6:42 AM - 3 October, 2013
You are hopeless. I don't know where you got this from and EVERY example you point out VERY clearly states the exact opposite of what you are trying to say. You now have two people telling you you're wrong. Let's see how many more join in.....................
deejdave 6:46 AM - 3 October, 2013
Lastly the entire post you linked to is a press release about Serato DJ NOT the NS7II. As a matter of fact the NS7 is ONLY listed ONCE at the top and NOTHING else on there has ANYTHING to do with the NS7II. This is quite comical actually.
Dokumentary 6:46 AM - 3 October, 2013
Huh? The exact opposite? Please explain.

I'm not saying anything. I'm quoting. Why do you refuse to click the links provided? If you had simply opened the links you'll see the sentences that I quoted here.
Dokumentary 6:50 AM - 3 October, 2013
So you think it's proper that Numark stated DVS as a feature of the NS7 II and you also think it's fine that Serato states that SDJ 1.5 "include DVS support" for 5 devices. (one of which is clearly just a MIDI controller with no audio inputs)

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Are you sure you're not the one with the reading comprehension issue?
Dokumentary 6:56 AM - 3 October, 2013
I'm kinda just having some fun with you at this point and I gotta get some sleep now but, since we're not going to agree and we already have our answer, let's agree that it's simply a matter of wording by Serato and/or laziness on the part of a Numark rep.

No disrespect to deejdave. I've seen your posts on other topics and I know you're no dummy. Thanks for playing along with me.
DJFunk 8:33 AM - 3 October, 2013
Hey all,

Just to clarify, there aren't currently any plans to add DVS support to the NS7 II.

Okay GREAT! Thank you for the clarification on the NS7 II. Now back to the general discussion.... can we get some clarification on the DDJ-SX's future for DVS????? Thanks : )
deejdave 9:03 AM - 3 October, 2013
Not possible due to wiring. Source: DDJ-SX Service Manual>DDJ-SX Block Diagram.

It is impossible and will NEVER happen. You got your clarification.
dj-freestyle 3:02 PM - 3 October, 2013
Ya I read specs for ddj and its not possible. Sucks its not but its a fact. ill use my sl4 maybe then. that should work i would think with the ddj
DJ Sidies 4:24 PM - 3 October, 2013
Hey all,

Just to clarify, there aren't currently any plans to add DVS support to the NS7 II.

What about the DDJSX?
dj-freestyle 6:04 PM - 3 October, 2013
they said up top a few times no plans.
deejdave 6:25 PM - 3 October, 2013
Why is NO ONE reading anything in this?
Dj Nyce 6:34 PM - 3 October, 2013
nobody reads anymore. just whip out the credit card and get busy. i'll figure it out live.
deejdave 6:41 PM - 3 October, 2013
Well that's nice to know Nyce but all I wanna know is

1.) will my SL1 work with SDJ
2.) will my ddj-sx get DVS support?
3.) why isn't SDJ working for me (BTW I have an AMD PC with 4 TB of music, 500 MB of RAM, running windows 8 & SL1)
4.) will my ddj-sx get DVS support
5.) what is the difference between my ass and my elbow?

Until any of these are answered I will continue asking one EVERY post no matter what has been discussed prior and refuse to open a help request!! It's ME time!!
Draven1327 7:20 PM - 3 October, 2013
Well that's nice to know Nyce but all I wanna know is

1.) will my SL1 work with SDJ
2.) will my ddj-sx get DVS support?
3.) why isn't SDJ working for me (BTW I have an AMD PC with 4 TB of music, 500 MB of RAM, running windows 8 & SL1)
4.) will my ddj-sx get DVS support
5.) what is the difference between my ass and my elbow?

Until any of these are answered I will continue asking one EVERY post no matter what has been discussed prior and refuse to open a help request!! It's ME time!!

the force is strong with this one
deejdave 7:22 PM - 3 October, 2013
Ragman 9:09 PM - 3 October, 2013
Well that's nice to know Nyce but all I wanna know is

1.) will my SL1 work with SDJ
2.) will my ddj-sx get DVS support?
3.) why isn't SDJ working for me (BTW I have an AMD PC with 4 TB of music, 500 MB of RAM, running windows 8 & SL1)
4.) will my ddj-sx get DVS support
5.) what is the difference between my ass and my elbow?

Until any of these are answered I will continue asking one EVERY post no matter what has been discussed prior and refuse to open a help request!! It's ME time!!

the force is strong with this one

Now that was funny... ;-)
Culprit 8:32 AM - 23 October, 2013
Let's all take bets that by 2015, Rane will have a pretty decent midi controller ready to share, and pioneer will release the next ddjsx model, both controllers will include DVS support.

I am not too interested in taking a huge controller, plus turntables around to every gig, but I would def sell my NS6 and buy a new ddjsx if it had DVS support in a heart beat.
The Soul Leopard 8:19 AM - 31 October, 2013
soooooo, heres a solution.

Hope this helps everyone and I hope i didn't disrupt the economics at Serato TOO much

Culprit 8:39 PM - 31 October, 2013
That would be to dangerous to do since it uses a single database. Any changes could cause a crash
deejdave 9:10 PM - 31 October, 2013
This is also more of an obvious than a new idea. The question of whether using SSL & SDJ is POSSIBLE is known by just about everyone. The fact that is is NOT recommended nor is it supported is something that is not known everyone.................... obviously.

Doing what you are doing but adding an additional laptop to the equation is a way to achieve the same thing without committing any self destructive acts though.
IamDJCertified 6:46 PM - 24 January, 2014
Let's all take bets that by 2015, Rane will have a pretty decent midi controller ready to share, and pioneer will release the next ddjsx model, both controllers will include DVS support.

I am not too interested in taking a huge controller, plus turntables around to every gig, but I would def sell my NS6 and buy a new ddjsx if it had DVS support in a heart beat.

It looks like you are right about Pioneer having the new ddj model with dvs and controller support... " Watchwww.youtube.com " Lets just hope they make the DVS option available on DDJ SX
dj-freestyle 7:05 PM - 24 January, 2014
you cant do dvs on ddj-sx. not possible because the inputs wont support it. its wired differnetly.
deejdave 7:07 PM - 24 January, 2014
It has been confirmed quite a few times that the DDJ-SX will not be getting DVS support. It is not a decision either as it just simply is not possible. In terms of the above post Rane has also stated they will not be getting involved with controllers. If for some strange reason they are saying it as just a deterrent (which is not likely) I would be hesitant anyways as if they did release one that controller would their first attempt at it and they have no experience in one of the most important aspects of a controller/player.................. the JOG wheel. Numark & Denon Mastered spinning platters. Pioneer Mastered the CDJ jog. Rane............ faders & knobs.
IamDJCertified 11:31 PM - 24 January, 2014
It has been confirmed quite a few times that the DDJ-SX will not be getting DVS support. It is not a decision either as it just simply is not possible. In terms of the above post Rane has also stated they will not be getting involved with controllers. If for some strange reason they are saying it as just a deterrent (which is not likely) I would be hesitant anyways as if they did release one that controller would their first attempt at it and they have no experience in one of the most important aspects of a controller/player.................. the JOG wheel. Numark & Denon Mastered spinning platters. Pioneer Mastered the CDJ jog. Rane............ faders & knobs.

Nah I want to see proof that they said that... I can understand the DDJ SB & SR but why not the SX. Show me where its been confirmed because I really think Pioneer and Serato are going to make that available.
deejdave 11:41 PM - 24 January, 2014
It has been confirmed quite a few times that the DDJ-SX will not be getting DVS support. It is not a decision either as it just simply is not possible. In terms of the above post Rane has also stated they will not be getting involved with controllers. If for some strange reason they are saying it as just a deterrent (which is not likely) I would be hesitant anyways as if they did release one that controller would their first attempt at it and they have no experience in one of the most important aspects of a controller/player.................. the JOG wheel. Numark & Denon Mastered spinning platters. Pioneer Mastered the CDJ jog. Rane............ faders & knobs.

Nah I want to see proof that they said that... I can understand the DDJ SB & SR but why not the SX. Show me where its been confirmed because I really think Pioneer and Serato are going to make that available.

In this post serato.com Scott S FROM SERATO said:
It is not possible at this stage due to the limited hardware inside the DDJ-SX, as the controller was designed and built before any type of DVS was available in the software.

It is also only a USB 1.1 device, I dont believe there is enough bandwidth to perform operations needed for DVS capability.

There are no plans at this stage to implement a DVS option for any controller, however at this stage I dont see the DDJ-SX being one of the compatible controllers if it did happen, due to its limited technology.


May I ask why you thought Pioneer & Serato were going to make this available?
hologram 11:41 PM - 24 January, 2014
um not possible…..
hologram 11:42 PM - 24 January, 2014
deejdave 11:47 PM - 24 January, 2014
I just posted that same link right before you LOL
hologram 11:48 PM - 24 January, 2014
I just posted that same link right before you LOL

hey get out of my head :)
deejdave 11:53 PM - 24 January, 2014
deejdave 11:55 PM - 24 January, 2014
I was posting it on here and you were posting it on the other at the same time............... then we switched. I went over to that one talking a mile a minute then you came here. LMAO WELL at least the point was made. I am still curious as to Reggae All Day's reason as to why he "really though" Pioneer & Serato were going to offer this.
IamDJCertified 12:14 AM - 25 January, 2014
I was posting it on here and you were posting it on the other at the same time............... then we switched. I went over to that one talking a mile a minute then you came here. LMAO WELL at least the point was made. I am still curious as to Reggae All Day's reason as to why he "really though" Pioneer & Serato were going to offer this.

We don't know for sure, I feel like they are going to allow the DDJ-SZ to get some sales before they make the SX compatible with DVS. Just like they are doing with the 900SRT, you see how the software 1.52 (I think) came fully compatible with the latest Rane and Pioneer mixer while others had to wait. I think thats what they are going to do.

Maybe i'm hoping because i spent $1000 last year on this controller and boom; its gets trumped by a better one. And the most i can get off the street for this controller (SX) is $800 bucks...
Culprit 12:38 AM - 25 January, 2014
they stated its a usb 1.1 device? if that's so then that conflicts with their story on the why the sl1 and ttm57sl does not work stating it needs to be usb 2.0
deejdave 12:58 AM - 25 January, 2014
LMAO we know for sure. I am now wondering why you went trhought the trouble of asking for proof from Serato when you weren't even going to believe them either. I guess there is always a chance they are just lying LMAO. AND the block diagram schematics that are readily available for all to see are in fact incorrect as well. So the answer to the question "What makes you thing Pio & Serato were going to offer this" was simply.................... because I want it. Furthermore asking $800 may be a little unfair being it can be purchased BRAND NEW for less than that www.guitarcenter.com

BTW a year is a long time in regards to controllers. They simply don't hold their value like modular or component gear does.

@ Culprit I was under the impression the USB 1.1 technology was just one of the reasons the decided not to include the TTM57SL & SL1. Not so much that they couldn't it just wasn't worth it...................
hologram 1:12 AM - 25 January, 2014
I could deb wrong but my understanding is the the combination of DVS and Controller type information is too much to reliable do using USB1.X . This SX would not get DVS. And since the 57 would more than DVS it too could not work.
hologram 1:13 AM - 25 January, 2014
I hate the no edit or delete crap but I understand why it's there…..

I could be wrong but my understanding is that the combination of DVS and Controller type information is too much to do reliably using USB1.X . Thus the SX would not get DVS. And since the 57 would be more than DVS, it too could not work.
Culprit 3:23 AM - 25 January, 2014
the ddjsx is still a beast though and I think a better option for the smaller gigs. The ddjsz is a a giant ass toy to me with all the bells and whistles but to me I would prefer the ddjsx for its portability.
Ragman 5:15 AM - 25 January, 2014
[...] The ddjsz is a a giant ass toy to me with all the bells and whistles [...]

Now that's funny. You guys really crack me up. :-)
Culprit 6:37 AM - 25 January, 2014
[...] The ddjsz is a a giant ass toy to me with all the bells and whistles [...]

Now that's funny. You guys really crack me up. :-)

Hey now, I do not mean that as a diss at all. I really think its a dope piece of hardware! To me, it would be a giant toy, with everything its got going for it. But I would rather use a DDJSX because of its size. If I wanted to lug around something bigger I would just bring my 62z and my turntables. I just want to clarify that
deejdave 3:37 PM - 25 January, 2014
Not all that much difference for what it brings to the tables. The SZ is ONLY 6 inches bigger than the SX (26" for the SX 34" for the SZ). Furthermore that size difference brings larger jog dials which is one of the downfalls of the SX so I'll take the larger size with a smile. In terms of weight it weighs almost twice as much as the SX (for all those who said the SX was too lightweight) yet it is lighter than ONE turntable so it is not at all like bringing two turntables and a mixer. Not even by half.
deejdave 3:37 PM - 25 January, 2014
Then again to each his own and the 6" may be the breaking point for some...............
deejdave 3:44 PM - 25 January, 2014
664 Millimeters (mm)
26.14173 Inches (in)

870 Millimeters (mm)
34.25197 Inches (in)

I'm sorry 8 inches
deejdave 3:45 PM - 25 January, 2014
Just tried doing conversion in my head which lead to complete fail.
Culprit 5:04 AM - 26 January, 2014
Just tried doing conversion in my head which lead to complete fail.


I consider lighter to be a better friend to my back, and when it comes to wedding gigs smaller and lighter is always king!
deejdave 6:51 AM - 26 January, 2014
I CAN understand where you are coming from BUT the SZ is less weight than ONE TT by itself, less than the NS7II and TBH I am not sure if 22 lbs is the breaking point of any DJ. If it is I wish you luck with your speakers. The smaller/lighter concept is cool but I am all about firepower Vs. mobility. If controller A has X weight and is limited but controller B is double the weight but is the most capable controller to date I'm going with B and that is exactly what I am doing. I am getting the last bit of use out of my SX. I actually used it tonight instead of anything else so it can get its tie in.

Lastly where is the line drawn in the lighter = king concept end. I have an iPhone that arguably does everything a controller does.....................
Culprit 8:11 AM - 26 January, 2014
I CAN understand where you are coming from BUT the SZ is less weight than ONE TT by itself, less than the NS7II and TBH I am not sure if 22 lbs is the breaking point of any DJ. If it is I wish you luck with your speakers. The smaller/lighter concept is cool but I am all about firepower Vs. mobility. If controller A has X weight and is limited but controller B is double the weight but is the most capable controller to date I'm going with B and that is exactly what I am doing. I am getting the last bit of use out of my SX. I actually used it tonight instead of anything else so it can get its tie in.

Lastly where is the line drawn in the lighter = king concept end. I have an iPhone that arguably does everything a controller does.....................

huh? are you trying to convince me or yourself?
WarpNote 11:57 AM - 26 January, 2014
they stated its a usb 1.1 device? if that's so then that conflicts with their story on the why the sl1 and ttm57sl does not work stating it needs to be usb 2.0

No, your getting it wrong, what they are saying basically is: usb 1.1 is to slow for the NEW dvs to work. That being said, Im also surprised myself to see the SX is 1.1 only.
deejdave 4:00 PM - 26 January, 2014
I CAN understand where you are coming from BUT the SZ is less weight than ONE TT by itself, less than the NS7II and TBH I am not sure if 22 lbs is the breaking point of any DJ. If it is I wish you luck with your speakers. The smaller/lighter concept is cool but I am all about firepower Vs. mobility. If controller A has X weight and is limited but controller B is double the weight but is the most capable controller to date I'm going with B and that is exactly what I am doing. I am getting the last bit of use out of my SX. I actually used it tonight instead of anything else so it can get its tie in.

Lastly where is the line drawn in the lighter = king concept end. I have an iPhone that arguably does everything a controller does.....................

huh? are you trying to convince me or yourself?

I guess in not getting it it is safe to assume your primary factor in purchasing DJ gear is weight. Got it. I am not trying to convince myself as I already understand the concept that smaller is NOT always king. The right tool for the right job is a much better assessment policy. Then again we are clearly two different types of people thus have different standards. If there is even a chance that I will benefit by bringing in larger, more capable gear then that is exactly what I am going to do regardless of weight. I don't see the point in limiting myself or my guests to shave 10-15 lbs from the weight of my controller (going from the SZ to a small controller). I just never thought 22 ls would even be considered heavy by any means. Lighter = better just seems too generic to me to be applied across the boards. Seems to me the ONLY thing lighter gear will ALWAYS be better at is being transported.
Ragman 6:55 PM - 26 January, 2014
[...] I don't see the point in limiting myself or my guests to shave 10-15 lbs from the weight of my controller (going from the SZ to a small controller). I just never thought 22 ls would even be considered heavy by any means. Lighter = better just seems too generic to me to be applied across the boards. Seems to me the ONLY thing lighter gear will ALWAYS be better at is being transported.

To take it a step further; if you're in the DJ business and you're complaining about anything that weighs less than 30 lbs, you're probably in the wrong business.
hologram 7:50 PM - 26 January, 2014
[...] I don't see the point in limiting myself or my guests to shave 10-15 lbs from the weight of my controller (going from the SZ to a small controller). I just never thought 22 ls would even be considered heavy by any means. Lighter = better just seems too generic to me to be applied across the boards. Seems to me the ONLY thing lighter gear will ALWAYS be better at is being transported.

To take it a step further; if you're in the DJ business and you're complaining about anything that weighs less than 30 lbs, you're probably in the wrong business.

All I gave up was my record crates and to tell you the truth. I'm actually thinking about carrying them again. at least one just to get down if I have my tables.
Culprit 8:41 PM - 26 January, 2014
[...] I don't see the point in limiting myself or my guests to shave 10-15 lbs from the weight of my controller (going from the SZ to a small controller). I just never thought 22 ls would even be considered heavy by any means. Lighter = better just seems too generic to me to be applied across the boards. Seems to me the ONLY thing lighter gear will ALWAYS be better at is being transported.

To take it a step further; if you're in the DJ business and you're complaining about anything that weighs less than 30 lbs, you're probably in the wrong business.

I get what you mean.. sort of. But I def am in the business and business is good and your right were way two different types of people skill wise and business wise. You can carry all the weight you want to a gig but to me I taylor each gig according to the direction my customer wants to go, not how I want to go.

I can use the DDJSX, Turntables, CDJ's, any controller because I have experience with all of them. My turntables are my favorite setup but totally not necessary for a wedding gig, so I would rather use the DDJSX which has all the features i need and more. The SZ to me with its ability to use DVS is its only feature I really dig because I am a vinyl guy, but what I am stating is that there is no scenario in which I would rather bring an SZ with turntables because it is simply to bulky (which besides this gentlemen I think everyone else got with my first post, or maybe not).

the SZ is dope def, and trust me if I had my way I would bring my turntables to every gig and say screw a controller, but the portability of the controller is what is appealing to me, which is why I argue the weight issue but I don't think your understanding my point of view on it obviously because of the multiple post.

And yes, I understand your point of view as well, and don't forget that I may see your point of view as trying to mock me or make me feel ignorant and choose to exit the business which is totally uncalled for because I was not trying to diss or bring you or anyone down that purchases that controller.
blackavenger 2:53 AM - 27 January, 2014
Hey Serato people, why is this "not Possible" Are there plans or just discussions?

It is not possible at this stage due to the limited hardware inside the DDJ-SX, as the controller was designed and built before any type of DVS was available in the software.

It is also only a USB 1.1 device, I dont believe there is enough bandwidth to perform operations needed for DVS capability.

There are no plans at this stage to implement a DVS option for any controller, however at this stage I dont see the DDJ-SX being one of the compatible controllers if it did happen, due to its limited technology.


they stated its a usb 1.1 device? if that's so then that conflicts with their story on the why the sl1 and ttm57sl does not work stating it needs to be usb 2.0

No, your getting it wrong, what they are saying basically is: usb 1.1 is to slow for the NEW dvs to work. That being said, Im also surprised myself to see the SX is 1.1 only.

Yeah, that is shocking! USB 1.1? Well, that solidifies my contemplation regarding the SX.
DJ Trice 5:49 PM - 9 March, 2014
DDJ SX is usb 1.1: it's just a big joke ! There's no usb 1.1 since a long time now. I can't believe it.

Just have a look on the DDJ SX manual to see.
LEADPIPE 5:51 AM - 17 March, 2014
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that hooking a turntable up to a DDJ SX or to a DDJ SZ that has DVS is pointless for scratching?

Wy do I think this?

Because, I think the crossfade is way too far away from the turntables.

Personally I prefer my turntables to be beside each other, and you can't do that with a huge DDJ in the way....don't get me wrong, I love the DDJ, and I love turntables for scratching.....but truly, I don't think using them both at the same time is for me....like who is the DJ trying to impress????

anyway, the Pioneer DDJ-SZ has DVS, and the DDJ-SX will never have it.
hologram 4:26 AM - 18 March, 2014
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that hooking a turntable up to a DDJ SX or to a DDJ SZ that has DVS is pointless for scratching?

Wy do I think this?

Because, I think the crossfade is way too far away from the turntables.

No different than having a third Turntable…..But those days are lost
Alexis Medina 11:40 PM - 31 July, 2019
Estimado (a)

Amigos de serato, algunas vez van a existir la actualización de dvs en ddj sx?
O esa posibilidad no existe?

Atento a su comentario

Muchas gracias.
SSL Experimentalist 6:25 PM - 8 August, 2019
Whether anyone thinks it's pointless or not is irrelevant. Some folks use DVS on the controllers for a number of reasons, an is available for many controllers.

Unfortunately, the first SX did not support DVS so you cannot simply "upgrade" to it with a license. In fact that was a selling point of the SX2...optional DVS.
DJ Tecniq 6:30 PM - 8 August, 2019
How did this old thread get resurrected let’s keep it in 2013 the SX is old news that’s why many users traded/sold it for the SX2 for added DVS functionality.
Alexis Medina 12:51 AM - 16 August, 2019
Gracias por sus comentarios , otra cosa amigos se mi cambio a sx2 y activo el dvs tendre mejor respuesta o menos latencia
para realizar scratch o todo depende de tu compuatdora ?